Marialuisa Giovannini
The Gallery
This Gallery is divided into four groups , according to the different media utilised : Oil Colours , Soft Pastels (Drawings ) , Watercolours & Acrylics and Mixed Technique (Oils &Fluorescent Acrylics colours). Since 2019 the Mixed Technique paintings are presented in chronological order . To appreciate the effect of the use of the fluorescent acrylics colours there are : one short video and photos taken with the neon-black light only.
There're also three sections exclusively dedicated to the subjects " Earlier Paintings ", "Portraits" and " Horses " , which include works in different media .
The paintings from 2024 onwards can bee seen on my other site wich is :
oils on linen.
oils&fluo-acrylics on linen
oils&fluo-acrylics on linen
oils&fluo-acrylics on linen
oils&fluo-acrylics on linen
oils&fluo-acrylics on linen
oils on hard surface
oils on linen
oils on linen